• + 4 4 (0) 020 7993 8847
  • info@berkshireglobal-edu.com

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions:
By registering for a course at Berkshire Global Education (BGE) all course participants including students, Group Leaders, faculty members etc. accept and agree to the following terms and conditions:

Course Fee:
Our course fee for all of our programmes is in pounds sterling. The places in the course can only be confirmed upon receiving the £500 booking fee into BGE’s business account either online via our website or via a bank transfer into our account only. The full fee for courses must be received by BGE at least 8 weeks before the course commences. Students will not be allowed to attend their classes until the full fee for their course has been paid. All bank charges related to the transfer must be met by the students. Deposits and fees are not transferable from person to person.

All cancellations must be made in writing and take effect from the date we receive such notice. No cancellation notices can be accepted after the start of the course. (See below).

Notice given prior to arrival date

Refund/Cancellation Charge

61 days or more

Full course fee less £200 (non-refundable admission fee)

31-60 days

Full course fee less £500

0-30 days

No refund

After arrival date

No refund


The £200 admission fee is non-refundable and it’s applicable to all the students registered on any of the BGE courses. In the thirty days prior to the start of the course there is no refund available. This includes cancellation due to visa rejection. Any refund requests prior to the 30 day period must be received in writing with a copy of the visa rejection letter (if applicable), original BGE registration form and bank details to make the refund.

Refunds are only made by cheque or bank transfer. Any bank charges must be paid by the participants. All refunds will take approximately eight weeks.

All visa applications are assessed on their own merits by the United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA). BGE does not guarantee nor take any responsibility for the success or processing time of your Visa application. It’s the applicant’s own responsibility to apply with all the necessary documents and leave enough time for the visa processing.

Refunds will not be given in the following situations:

  • Students will not be refunded any or part of their course or accommodation fees once the course has started
  • If a student is dismissed for poor attendance or gross misconduct
  • If any fraud is detected in the process of applying for the visa
  • If the visa is refused on the basis of a previous visa refusal or any other incorrect/false information submitted on the visa application
  • If a student decides not to attend the course due to any reason/reasons after obtaining the visa by using our Visa Support Letter
  • No refunds will be given for late entry or early departure from a course

Health & Travel Insurance:
It is the student’s or parents’ responsibility to take out personal insurance against all risks, including the ability to attend or continue a course, along with insurance for the payment of medical expenses.
BGE in association with a 3rd party insurance company provides all students with basic travel insurance. Please note that it’s basic cover and excess charges do apply on each claim. If the Group Leader feels it’s an emergency BGE will take the student to the hospital. The hospital will check and if they consider it not to be an emergency then the bill will be paid by the student. If the hospital considers that it is an emergency then the Medical Insurance provided by BGE as part of the package will take care of the bill. (Subject to their terms)

We promise to make sure that all parts of the stay we have agreed to arrange as part of our contract are provided to a reasonable standard and in accordance with the contract. We also accept responsibility for what our employees do or do not do. We will not, however, be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss (for example loss of enjoyment), damage, expense, cost or other sum or claim of any description whatsoever which results from any of the following:

  • The fault of the person(s) affected or any member(s) of their party.
  • The fault of a third party not connected with the provision of your stay which we could not have predicted or avoided.
  • An event or circumstances which we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not have predicted or avoided even after taking all reasonable care.
  • The fault of anyone who was not carrying out work for us (generally or in particular) at the time.

In addition, we will not be responsible if you do not enjoy your stay, or suffer any problems because of a reason you did not tell us about when you booked your stay, or where any problems you suffered did not result from any breach of our contract or other fault of ourselves, or where you were responsible for them, or where any losses, expenses, costs or other sum you have suffered relate to any other business.

We cannot accept responsibility for any services which do not form part of our contract. This includes, for example, any additional services, activities or facilities which your hotel or any other supplier agrees to provide for you where the services, activities or facilities are not advertised in our brochure and we have not agreed to arrange them. We do not take any responsibly/liability for any sort of injuries or property damage arising from any unforeseen and unpredictable danger/dangers. BGE reserves the right to alter the course dates for any reason appropriate to BGE, at no liability to the company.

Valuable items/Cash:
We strongly advise that students do not bring any valuable items. We don’t take any responsibility/liability for any valuables or cash they might decide to bring.

Force Majeure:
BGE is not be deemed in default of its obligations to the extent that performance of its obligations or attempts to cure any breach are delayed, restricted, or prevented by reason of any act of God or by the government, fire, natural disaster, strike, insufficient demand for classes, the failure of necessary power systems/connections, or any other act or condition beyond the reasonable control of BGE, provided that BGE uses its best efforts to avoid or remove the causes of non-performance and continues performance immediately after those causes are removed.

Data Protection:
BGE will need to use the information you provide on your enrolment form in order to process your enrolment. We will need to pass this information on  to those involved in providing you with services relating to your study period at BGE, such as the reservation of accommodation or the organisation of transfer services. We are required to process data according to the provisions of the Data Protection Act, which safeguards the rights of all individuals concerned. We may also provide your personal data to customs and immigration officials as required by UK law.

Special Requests & Medical Problems:
If you have any medical problem or disability which may affect your stay, please tell us before you confirm your booking. In any event, you must give us full details in writing at the time of booking. If we reasonably feel unable to properly accommodate the particular needs of the person concerned, we reserve the right to decline their reservation or, if full details are not given at the time of booking, cancel when we become aware of these details.

Course Regulations:
BGE attendance policy for Activity Course is 100% attendance. If you fail to attend your classes without a valid reason, BGE reserves the right to expel you from the Course and inform the home office for their decision. No certificate can be issued if you miss any classes without taking prior permission. Any student who does not arrive at the fixed time and location for the breakfast, lunch or dinner will be excluded from the meal. In the accommodation, girls and boys may only mix in the designated recreation areas. Any student who leaves their house after lights out may be dismissed from the course. Personal mobile phones must be turned off during all lessons and scheduled activities.

Damage to property and firefighting equipment will not be tolerated. If you cause damage or loss to BGE’s property or a third party’s property, you will be fully responsible for the resulting costs. Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid direct at the time to BGE. If  no one takes the responsibly for the damage then the cost of the damage/loss will be divided between the whole group.

If a member of staff feels that your behaviour during the course is disruptive and may be causing offence to other individuals, the student will be subject to the BGE disciplinary procedure. We will not tolerate abusive behaviour or language (including harassment, bullying, damage to personal property and verbal or other abuse based on racial, sexual or religious differences). Failure to observe the requirements of the BGE regulations described here and in the welcome pack may result in the student being expelled from the Course and will return home at their own expense. In the case of expulsion students are not entitled to a refund of any kind and they will not be entitled to attend any further classes or activities.

The food provided will be typical of what is available in the UK, which may differ markedly from your normal local cuisine. No special arrangements will be made unless indicated on your application form and agreed by our management.

Smoking /Drinking Policy:
BGE has very strict rules for smoking/drinking within course venues. Consumption or possession of alcohol by students of any age is not permitted. Drug-taking or possession of drugs will result in instant dismissal from the course.

Group Leaders’ Responsibilities: (Only applicable to Groups with their own Leader)
During your stay, it will be the sole responsibility of your own accompanying Group Leaders nominated and sent by your own institutions to take care of their group members at all times. BGE will not be held responsible for any loss/damage to the students and their belongings. For full details of group leader responsibilities, please check the group leader section on our website or request BGE admin to send you the full details.

Fire Appliances:
All students and their Group Leaders must familiarize themselves with the whereabouts of fire extinguishers, fire doors and escape routes in the neighbourhood of their rooms, and of the assembly area in the event of a fire.

Advertisements, Brochures and Website:
Please note, the information shown in our brochure or website may have changed by the time you come to book your course. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the brochure at the time of printing, regrettably errors do occasionally occur. You must therefore ensure you check all the details of your chosen course with us at the time of booking.

Airport Transfers:
Our representative will arrive at the airport 1 hour after your plane has landed, and will wait a maximum of 1 or 2 hours. This time should allow for immigration and passport control. The check in time on the day of arrival is 12pm and check out on departure is 11am. All participants must book their flights in accordance to these timings. BGE cannot guarantee any early check in or late check outs. 

Complaints & Problems:
In the unlikely event that you have any reason to complain or experience any problems with your stay whilst with us, you must immediately inform our representative. Any verbal notification must be put in writing and given to our representative as soon as possible. Until we know about a problem or complaint, we cannot begin to resolve it. Most problems can be dealt with quickly.

  • If you remain dissatisfied, however, you must write to us within 28 days of your return to your country giving your booking reference and full details of your complaint.
  • For all complaints and claims which do not involve death, personal injury or illness, we regret we cannot accept liability if you fail to notify us of the complaint or claim entirely in accordance with this clause.

The documentation required by BGE must be clear, legible and where necessary translated into English language by an approved translator/translating body. BGE reserves the right to use student’s feedback/testimonial/image/film coverage for any of the BGE promotional activities, unless a written opt out request is received in writing before the start of the course. The copyright to all photographs/videos shall belong to BGE. Students are advised that the full BGE regulations, procedures and policies are available upon request.


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